Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Siesta time!!!

HAHAHA!!! I'm sneaking back on the computer because no one is using it and I wanted to tell you about the weirdo puppy! She is teething and it is too funny, she lays in the sun and eats freezer pops and then when they melt too quick she whines about it. It is enough to frazzle my nerves, but at least the weather is nice and we can play outside, if only she would play outside and not whine everytime mom moves 2 feet away.

The big excitement of my weekend was I got to get dressed and had my hair done to go to the bank. It was cool they ooohhhed and aaahhhed over me and I got to have a milk bone. Thankfully mom knows I hate them things and she just slipped it in her pocket.

Today the boy child has a baseball game and I don't think Im allowed to go there so I will be in charge of home security at that point.

Well have a good day my siesta in the sun time is here and Im off to relax.


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